Seaflux from Space is an information system designed to devise,
display, and disseminate spacebased ocean-atmosphere
fluxes of momentum, heat and water.
QuikSCAT winds
Seaflux provides, at near-real-time, twice-daily
maps of ocean surface winds over global oceans, derived from the
observations by the scatterometer SeaWinds on space
mission QuikSCAT, of the National Aeronautics and Space
Administration (NASA). From these maps, emerging
marine weather systems can be monitored.
Improved scientific products will be available in delayed mode.
The twice daily gridded wind u and v components over global ocean are available
You may also browse wind field images created routinely to present:
Quikscat wind streamlines for Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian Oceans
Quikscat wind zonal, meridional components and wind speed over global ocean surface